Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow ?>

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

A school is a place where a child develops his mind, intellect, thoughts, mindset, behavior and much more. The main objective of a good school is that it allows the student to be open to all the areas of learning and he should love to extract his talent and nurture throughout the academic phase of life. The Manthan School embraces integrated learning in the school curriculum which encourages the students to see the interconnectedness and interrelationships between the curriculum areas. Rather than focusing on learning in isolated curriculum areas, an integrated program is based on skill development around a particular theme that is relevant to the children in the class.

Its Roots in Greater Noida West

Integrated learning is basically an approach which allows learners to explore, gather, process, refine and present information about topics they want to explore without the constraints imposed by traditional subject barriers. The Manthan School is the best school in Greater Noida West which allows students to engage in purposeful, relevant learning. Since, students are active learners who research, interpret, communicate, and process learning to both others and themselves. Therefore, The Manthan School has adopted new methodologies of teaching that benefits both the teachers and students. The school’s campus is full of modern infra, the location is strategic and is the best school near Gaur City Noida Extension.

The Manthan School is the school of this new generation which makes students excel in every aspect of education for a good and bright future.

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