This Summer Break Start Your Writing Journey ?>

This Summer Break Start Your Writing Journey

In the process of introducing journaling into the classroom, teachers often seek tips for writing reflective journals for students. These are the concepts that will inspire pupils to establish perspectives, communicate honestly, and write reflectively. The Manthan School conducts several activities that involve students in writing tasks and boost their writing skills.

Students – middle and high school students especially – can benefit from journal writing and it’s not a difficult or expensive technique to introduce into a lesson plan. It’s often an effective and easy way to begin class. This practice creates routine and reliability.

Students of all ages can learn a lot from keeping a regular journal. Teachers can, too. Learning from experience is an essential part of the teaching career track and many teachers like to reflect on what’s working and what’s not within their classrooms. Journal writing is often enjoyable for students as well. The small notepads allow them to create a safe space to write, express themselves, and document their progress.

Here are some benefits of journal writing that help students to explore the world of writing. It helps everyone to learn something about themselves and their habits when forced to write about them. That’s why journal writing is considered a critical activity when seeking personal development. Let’s take a look at the five benefits of journal writing.

  1. It allows students to grow from passive learners to active learners. Journaling helps students to solve their problems on their own. Thus, self-esteem begins to blossom.
  2. Journaling gives dreams and thoughts a space to grow. A good learning atmosphere enables pupils to feel secure, unrestricted, and motivated.
  3. A journal is a perfect place for students to watch their seeds grow, whether they are writing about academic goals or personal goals.
  4. Reflective journaling motivates students to write. Some students feel they don’t have a knack for writing. Writing breaks down some of those walls. Teachers can give students prompts from which they can choose or they can ask them to reflect on a quote of their choice.
  5. Journals foster a greater understanding of new ideas. Students can use this opportunity to think deeper about discoveries, recording personal observations and added research on the topic.
  6. Journaling allows students to acquire knowledge more authentically. Journaling teaches students critical thinking skills, which prevents knowledge from being acquired merely because someone tells them something is true. Through journaling, knowledge is achieved and maintained because students spend some time contemplating new ideas.

Writing is one of the best methods to speak your heart. It is the tool that draws connections between their feelings and the outer world. The Manthan School strongly focuses on both academic and extra-curricular skills for the overall development of each student.

This also helps students draw a personal connection to their work. Therefore, it helps students better understand events taking place in their everyday lives. So this summer break makes the most of it and indulge in such activities and help each other grow as an individual.

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