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The Manthan Mantra

Taking its name from the divine churning of the ocean, The Manthan School delves deep into the ocean of knowledge, churning, in the process, a vast repository of pedagogy that empowers its students with the highest levels of learning, turning them into good students and pro-active members of the society. What makes the world interesting are its people who turn ordinary things into extraordinary.That is how we intend to make the learning process at Manthan.

As the world sits at the crossroads The Manthan School sees itself as the creators of agents of change providing its students a stimulating environment while nurturing their talents, honing their skills and turning them into Global citizens when the time comes for them to leave the nest.

The Manthan School is like a home and its teachers akin to mothers who take pride while feeding their young ones when they are with them and are tearfully joyous when empowered with the knowledge they set out to fly and conquer the world.


The Manthan Core Values

All the actions and decisions taken by and on behalf of the School confirm to these core values:

  • Provide a productive Environment for Development
  • Respect for Self and Others
  • Explore and Experiment
  • Maintaining Transparency
  • Continuous and Sustainable Effort
  • Adhere to the highest standards of Integrity

...Always and every time

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