Janamashtami, the birth of Lord Krishna was celebrated with great pomp and festivity by the tiny tots of the pre primary section. Dressed as Radha – Krishna they gave a traditional touch to the entire celebration. A special assembly was conducted by the students of Nestlings A to mark the birth of the deity, where Ananya Verma presented the facts of “Geeta Saar” and Tiara Mishra spoke about the significance of Janamashtami with amazing expressions and confidence. This was followed by a group song and dance which kids presented with great joy. A ‘Matki Phod’ event was also organized to mark the mischievous nature of ‘Bal Gopal’. A handi was hanged at the center of the sports ground and our little Radhas and Krishna along with the students of grade 1 and 2 danced around it to the beats of janamashtami songs filling the air with joy and festive spirit