The Primary and Middle wing hosted its First Annual Sports Meet “Khel Chakra 2018”, a day filled with vehemence and exuberance experienced amidst thrills, shrills and cheers. The Chief Guest for the day was Col. Dushyant Hooda, an army officer and the Guest of Honour was the Director of Korean Cultural Centre, Mr. Kim Kum Pyoung. The day started off with the lovely rendition by the choir inspiring everyone to have a winning attitude. This was followed by the Inter-House March Past, a highly competitive event where the four houses eyed for the first place. It was followed by Oath Taking Ceremony where the students solemnly pledged to uphold the spirit of true sportsmanship. The young contenders took no time to steal the show with their agility, endurance and coordination when they came on the fields. The meet culminated with the National Anthem.