Greater Noida West, Affiliated to CBSE

Greater Noida West, Affiliated to CBSE

Exciting Library Workshop at Max Mueller Bhavan: 30th August 2023

Exciting Library Workshop at Max Mueller Bhavan!

The group of talented students from Grades 7–10 had an amazing opportunity to visit the Max Mueller Bhavan library and attend the “Kreativ Köpfe” workshop.

During their visit, our students were captivated by the extensive collection of books. Not only did they immerse themselves in the world of literature, but they also had the privilege of enjoying an engaging and thought-provoking theater play.

The theater play resonated with the students, as they found themselves connecting with the diverse characters and sharing their own experiences.

The workshop’s main focus was on raising awareness about the impact of bullying on individuals’ lives. The students learned the importance of embracing and accepting everyone, making it an integral part of their personal values.

It’s heartening to see our students engage in such meaningful and enlightening experiences.

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