Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression and the Ways to Handle the Same ?>

Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression and the Ways to Handle the Same

Teenage is the time when people hit puberty and face a host of pressure due to many questions like who they are and where they fit in, occupy their mind heavily. But it is not that much easy to differentiate between normal teenage growing pain and depression. Depression is a serious issue and it affects all the other aspects of life as well. But it is treatable and parent’s support can help to get over it.

schools near sector 78

Are they depressed?

If you can notice these problems in your child you must look for the treatment.

Problems at school: Depression can lead to low energy level and concentration difficulties. It may also result in poor attendance, a significant drop in grades, or frustration even amongst formerly good student. There are schools near sector 78, where students are dealt with utmost care.

Running away: It is actually a situation that is cry for help. Many depressed teens often talk about running away or run away from home or school.

Drug and alcohol abuse: In an attempt to self-medicate their depression, students may use drugs or alcohol which actually makes things worse only.

Smartphone addiction: Teens tend to make this habit of staying online for a long time but excessive use of Smartphone and internet use will only increase the isolation and it might make them more depressed.

Reckless behaviour: Depression can lead teenagers to engage in high-risk or dangerous behaviours, such as binge drinking, reckless driving, or unsafe sex.

Violence: Some depressed teens, usually boys who are the victims of bullying, become more aggressive and violent in nature.

Schools must be as responsible as the parents and schools near sector 76 provide their students with such guidance to help each other or at least make them reach out for help when they are in need.

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