Outdoor Learning – The Extended Classroom ?>

Outdoor Learning – The Extended Classroom

Learning is a life-long process which has no end. Well, learning can be found anywhere and it is a myth to believe that the classroom is the only space for all the essential knowledge and learning. One of the practical and creative approaches to learning is outdoor learning which not only creates a positive impact on students but also enhances the mental and physical well -being of the students. Outdoor learning is a unique experience that has many benefits, from encouraging curiosity and nurturing a love of science to developing empathy for the environment and heightening classroom outcomes.

The Manthan School, best primary school in Noida, in which outdoor education is a part of the school curriculum. Apart from providing a world class education and extra-curricular to the students, The Manthan School encourages all the students to play outdoors because playing outdoors is much more than fun as it has countless benefits which are proven to:

CBSE School in Noida

  • Encourage holistic development of student
  • Develop a love, appreciation, and respect for nature and outdoors
  • Enhances self-awareness, confidence, and self-esteem
  • Foster collaborative-working and communication skills
  • Provide positive health benefits – both physically and mentally
  • Decreases stress and anxiety, and elevates mood
  • Develop a lifelong love of the outdoors

The Manthan School offers all the major and important sports facilities such as cricket, football, volleyball, badminton, basketball, and many more. If you are looking for the best nursery school admission in Noida, The Manthan School is an ideal learning destination for your child that not only offers world class education but also offers all the essential learning and knowledge to make your child a future leader.

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