Social Skills for a successful life ?>

Social Skills for a successful life

Social skills are important in every student’s life which enables them to have and maintain positive interactions with others. These skills are the skills we use everyday to interact and communicate with others which includes verbal and non-verbal communication, such as speech, gesture, facial expression, and body language.  This set of skill is an area of need for most students with special needs. Students are less likely to be happy and successful if they struggle with the social skills necessary in both life and career. The Manthan School is the best international school in Noida which lays great emphasis on developing social skill by organising various events, activities to enhance the skills of the students.  Here are five core skills that are widely recognized as critical social skills which are needed to develop in students:


  • Self-awareness: Ability to recognize emotions and understand the links between emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
  • Self-management: Ability to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
  • Social awareness: Ability to take other’s perspectives and demonstrate empathy.
  • Relationship skills: Ability to build and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Responsible decision making: Ability to make good choices about your behavior and interactions with others.

Social skills help students to persist on challenging tasks, to effectively seek help when they need it and to be thoughtful in their actions. If you are looking for the best nursery school admission in Noida, The Manthan School is an ideal school which will make your child grow in every area of learning.

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