Parenting Made Easy: Things Not to Say to Your Child ?>

Parenting Made Easy: Things Not to Say to Your Child

Being parent is one of the toughest jobs ever. It is very difficult to teach your child while learning the things yourself. To make your job easy, here are some of the tips from one of the experts in Pre Primary school in Noida. It talks about the things that you should never say to your young one. A little care can help in building their character and personality in the long run.


No negativity

Of course, you need to criticize your kid to make sure that they learn. However, do not say things like ‘you are bad girl/boy.’ It will kill their self-esteem at a younger age which is very hard to get back. Make sure to that the kids believe in goodness and innocence. When you critique them positively then they lead a happy and good life.

Education is to learn

The teachers and experts at a Primary school in Noida emphasize on the fact that it is important to teach your kids about the basics. Marks are important but not everything. Try to identify their talents before pressuring them for marks. Focus on their learning rather than just gathering some digits on pages.

Unfair comparison

It is not nice to compare your kid with others, especially their siblings. It will make your young ones jealous. Moreover, it will kill their self-confidence. Encourage them to do better instead of comparing.

Avoid harsh No

A straight ‘No’ is really harsh for the young minds to comprehend. They are your little prince or princess, so it is essential to deal with them carefully. If they always hear ‘No’ then they will lose their faith in you. Make sure you formulate your ‘No’ in a positive manner.

Do not discourage

Do not tell your kids that they are not capable of doing something. Be on their side without discouraging harshly.

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