Slow and Steady Wins The Race ?>

Slow and Steady Wins The Race

We all must have heard the story of a tortoise and a rabbit where the tortoise wins the race by being slow throughout the race. This applies in real life also. Everyday everybody is running to complete a certain task which is assigned to them, or any of the things that they are required to do. In this life, everybody is running, some do succeed and some do not. There are a lot of people who finds a short cut to reach upto their targets, but do they actually succeed? No, they don’t. Today’s world desire speed with perfection. But, has anybody thought that if a person work in haste, then they tend to commit a lot of mistake? And, then the corrections take a lot of time.


Only if the person had worked patiently, he would have completed the work with minimal mistakes, whose corrections if any, could be done easily and fast. Nothing can be gained in swiftness and carelessness. It is better to be careful and slow in one’s work. There is no shortcut for hardwork; one has to work rigorously to reach upto their goals. If everyone uses their intelligence in the right direction, then they have the chance to be successful.

A person, who is meticulous, consistent, serious and persistent in the efforts that they will put, wins the battle. The Manthan School which is the best nursery school in Noida, believes in the idea of a child being slow and steady. So, if you are looking for nursery school admissions in Noida, then I will totally recommend this school.

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