Health And Hygiene ?>

Health And Hygiene

Children are more inclined to get sick than adults, this is the major reason that hygiene should be implemented at the utmost level. Most children are not careful about their health and hygiene, which not only creates a problem for them but also to the students sitting with them. There’s a lot more to just washing your hands, taking bath, or brushing teeth, all of this should be instilled at a very early age. A school should not just only impart knowledge, but should also teach discipline, honesty and cleanliness.

Listed below, are some tips to maintain proper hygiene in school:

Health And Hygiene

1) There a lot of co curricular activities conducted in the school, some can tell the importance of hygiene.

2) Fingernails are one of the dirtiest parts in our body; they are a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, they should be trimmed properly so that no germs are transmitted anywhere.

3) Oral hygiene is something that should always be there in a child. Brushing and flossing are key aspects of health and hygiene.

4) Keeping a handkerchief should be there as a child’s best friend. When we cough or sneeze, there are so many germs being transmitted to one another, so they should always carry a napkin with them.

5) Not keeping your foot clean can promote fungal infection. Therefore, the kids should use cotton socks, so as to let the feet breathe.

6) The classroom furniture should be clean and sanitised, because they are one of the dirtiest things. Therefore, furniture’s should be vacuumed so as to maintain cleanliness.

Manthan School near Gaur city Noida is very strict when it comes to health and hygiene. They cannot afford to compromise on the children’s well-being, therefore, they are one of the best school near Gaur City.

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