The power of asking questions ?>

The power of asking questions

Academics is the most fundamental aspect of education. Any classroom learning is incomplete without exchanging questions between teachers and students. Questioning is a very important part of the classroom. Learning that happens without any questions being asked is not learning.

Questioning is the key by which teachers find out what students already know, identify gaps in knowledge and understanding the development of their understanding to enable them to close the gap between what they currently know and the learning goals. Asking questions is crucial to the way teachers manage the class, engage students with content, encourage participation and increase understanding.


Also, students are infinitely curious. They want to understand the world around them, how it all works, where it comes from, and how to interact with it. The Manthan School in Greater Noida West encourage the students to ask question freely and openly in classrooms and some of the reasons why asking questions is good for the mind:

  • Break the monotony of the classroom
  • Force students to think
  • Help students to learn
  • Increases student engagement with the learning
  • Questions are a sign of interest
  • Develop interest and motivate students to become actively involved in lessons
  • Develop critical thinking skills

The Manthan School is one of the best play schools in Noida Extension which harnesses young learners’ natural curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions in the classroom so that students reap these benefits of asking questions, and make inquiry a habit of mind which will help him in future always.

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